Thursday, May 8, 2014


Time for another Shane Glines creation:
Here's the progression from initial construction "squiggles" to finished drawing:
This was a tough one to get right.  As you can see, I was having issues with the initial angle of the legs and  the placement of the right arm.  Glines has her really leaning into it.  That's the hallmark of good character design and good cartooning, I suppose, that the poses are exaggerated.

My instinct is to have characters standing straight up and down.  I was raised on Hanna Barbera funny animal cartoons, after all, and they always stood straight up and down.  We've discussed the reasons why... the artists at HB were the best in the business but time was money and within the confines of limited animation character poses were kept sedate.

If these guys stepped out for an evening life drawing class, though, at the local community college I'm sure they captured the twists and angles of actual, flexible poses. 

Here's my quick analysis of her ratios:
Remember that Tinkerbell was about 4.5 heads tall.  This little gal is approximately 5 heads high.

From her tippy toes to her waist (BTW - I misspelled it "waiste") is 3 heads, from her waist to the top of her head is 2 heads.  Width wise, well she never exceeds 1 head.  Even at those hips.  Her head, though, is a wide cartoon-head... which is what makes this character look so dang cute.

Maybe the magic ratio is 2/5 (head to waist) to 3/5 (waist to toes).  It sure works here.

Incidentally, I love the shape of the hands, especially the hand and fingers holding that rope.  Superior cartooning, Mr. Glines, superior cartooning.

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